Spinal cord stimulator

Spinal cord stimulator

Unveiling the Spinal Cord Stimulator: A Leap in Pain Management

At Apex Neurosurgery and Spine, our focus is to provide cutting-edge solutions for chronic pain management. The Spinal Cord Stimulator is a state-of-the-art treatment that uses electrical impulses to alleviate chronic pain of the back, arms, and legs, offering patients a new lease on life.

Spinal Cord Stimulator: A Closer Examination

  • Definition: A Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) is an implantable device that sends low-level electrical impulses directly to the spinal cord. These impulses prevent pain signals from reaching the brain, effectively mitigating the sensation of pain.
  • How it works: The SCS system comprises a pulse generator (similar to a pacemaker), a lead wire with electrodes, and a handheld remote. When activated, the device emits electrical impulses that intercept and mask pain signals before they reach the brain. Instead of pain, patients often feel a mild tingling sensation called paresthesia.

Tackling Chronic Pain: The Spinal Cord Stimulator's Range

  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Sciatica or Leg Pain
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Spinal Cord Stimulator for Chronic Pain | Apex Spine

Spinal Cord Stimulator: Is It Right for You?

Patients who have:

  • Tried and failed conservative treatments like physical therapy or medications.
  • Undergone surgery but still experiences chronic pain.
  • Chronic pain that isn't attributable to a discernible issue like a tumor.
  • Determined through a trial stimulation that they benefit from the SCS system.

A Guide to Your Spinal Cord Stimulation Journey

  • Consultation and Diagnosis: Apex experts will evaluate the nature of your pain and determine if SCS is an appropriate solution.
  • Trial Stimulation: Before permanent implantation, a trial run helps determine if the SCS effectively reduces the patient's pain.
  • Implantation: If the trial is successful, a more permanent device is implanted during a minimally invasive procedure.
  • Recovery: Patients can typically return home the same day, with full recovery in a few weeks.
  • Maintenance and Follow-ups: Regular check-ups ensure the device is functioning correctly, and adjustments can be made as needed.

Trust Apex Neurosurgery and Spine for a comprehensive approach to managing chronic pain using the Spinal Cord Stimulator. Let us guide you towards a pain-free future.

Partner with Apex Neurosurgery & Spine and embark on a journey towards a pain-free existence. Our individualized treatments promise to deliver comfort, relief, and improved quality of life.

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