Post-surgical Neuropathy

Post-surgical neuropathy

Apex Neurosurgery and Spine: Treatment Options for Post-Surgical Neuropathy

Post-surgical neuropathy, a nerve complication following surgery, may result in symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the impacted area. At Apex Neurosurgery and Spine, we specialize in diagnosing and managing post-surgical neuropathy, ensuring each patient receives tailored care.

Understanding Post-Surgical Neuropathy

This condition arises when nerves get damaged or irritated during a surgical procedure. Symptoms vary based on the damage's location and severity. Whether the root cause is direct nerve trauma, instrument-induced compression, or inflammation, our experts are here to help.

Symptoms to Monitor
  • Intense, burning, or radiating pain
  • Reduced sensation or numbness
  • Weakening of muscles or muscle atrophy
  • Feelings of tingling or pins and needles
Diagnostic Procedures

Accurate diagnosis is essential for targeted treatment. We employ:

  • Clinical Review: Analyzing surgical history, symptom onset, and pain distribution.
  • Electrodiagnostic Examinations: Techniques like EMG and nerve conduction studies to determine the nerve damage's exact location and extent.
  • Imaging: Utilizing MRIs or CT scans to inspect the surgical area, highlighting potential structural complications leading to nerve compression.
Post-surgical Neuropathy Care | Apex Spine

Apex's Treatment Spectrum

  • Epidural Steroid Injections: Administering injections to soothe pain and reduce inflammation in the affected region.
  • Physical Rehabilitation: Specialist-guided exercises to enhance mobility, diminish pain, and regain function.
  • Interventional Techniques: Depending on the underlying cause, treatments like Radiofrequency Ablation, Sympathetic Nerve Blocks, or Spinal Cord Stimulation might offer substantial relief.
  • Corrective Surgery: For instances where nerve compression or damage is evident, a remedial surgical approach could be warranted.

Navigating post-surgical neuropathy can be challenging, but with Apex Neurosurgery and Spine, patients benefit from state-of-the-art treatments and a committed team, ensuring optimal recovery.

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